Proxmox Backup Server 1.1 released

The Proxmox team announced the general availability of version 1.1 of the Proxmox Backup Server. Proxmox announced the launch of Proxmox Backup Server version 1.1, built on Debian Buster 10.9. The latest version using a current, long-term supported Linux kernel (5.4.106), and including ZFS 2.0. Proxmox also stated that the latest version is written in...

Proxmox Backup Server 1.0 released

Proxmox that offers specialised products based on Debian has published its first stable release of Proxmox Backup Server, which carries the version number 1.0. Proxmox has announced its first stable release of Proxmox Backup Server, which carries the version number 1.0. Proxmox Backup Server is an enterprise backup solution, for backing up and restoring virtual...