In general, sending emails is a very important feature for various website owners. For this reason, they are always looking for a way to be able to manage their emails in the best possible way and not worry about sending and receiving emails.
One of the things that can help in this regard is sending emails via SMTP. When you enable this feature on your WordPress website, you can easily manage your emails without any worries. In this article from dade2 knowledge base, we decide to teach you how to send emails via SMTP in WordPress using the SMTP mailer plugin. So stay tuned for the rest of this article.
Ability to send emails via SMTP in WordPress #
In general, WordPress uses the mail () function in php to send e-mails, and if this function is not active on the server or your e-mail is spammed for any reason, you will have trouble sending and receiving e-mails. In this regard, many hosting companies offer their users to use SMTP to send their emails.
By activating this function, you can easily manage your website emails and you will no longer have problems with sending emails. One of the great plugins that you can use to activate the ability to send SMTP emails in WordPress is the SMTP mailer plugin. In the following, we will review this plugin and configure it for sending emails.
How to send email via SMTP with “SMTP mailer” plugin #
In order to send an email via SMTP in WordPress, you must follow a specific path, which we will describe below:
Install “SMTP mailer” plugin #
1. The first step is to log in to your WordPress website Admin Dashboard.
2. Then select the Plugins from Left Column and click on “Add New“.

Configure “SMTP mailer” plugin #
5. In the plugin settings page, you must fill in the blank fields in the General tab in order to send an email via SMTP.
These include:
SMTP Host: In this field, you must enter the name of the host through which you want to send your email. Note that the correct form is
To find your hostname, you must enter the Email account section and enter the relevant page via the Connect Devices button located in front of your desired email address. On this page, there are two separate boxes called Mail Client Manual Settings. In front of the phrase Incoming server, you can see the name of your host server. Note that you must select the phrase in front of the section depending on whether SSL / TLS is enabled or disabled. Note that other information such as username, password, and … can be seen in this section.
SMTP Authentication: Through this section, you determine whether SMTP authentication is active in the process of sending emails via SMTP. you need to set this option to Yes.
SMTP Username: In this field, you must enter the SMTP username of your website. Normally your username is the same as your email address.
SMTP Password: The password for the specified username must also be entered in this field. If your username is the same as your email address, enter your email password in this field as well.
Attention: To send emails through WordPress plugins that send emails via SMTP, first, you need to create an email account on your host.
Type of Encryption: Through this section, you specify how to send email via SMTP. It is recommended to use TLS mode in most servers.
SMTP Port: In this field, you must enter the port through which you want the email sending process to take place. The port you need to enter is 587.
From Email Address: You must enter the email address through which you want to send the email via SMTP in this field. Normally, the email address you send is the same as the one you entered in the username field.
From Name: You must enter the name that you want to be displayed in the email as the sender in this field.
Disable SSL Certificate Verification: This option is for your SSL notifications that you should leave unchanged.
Once you have filled in the fields with the appropriate content, it is time to click the Save Changes button to save the changes.
Test “SMTP mailer” plugin #
6. After you have applied the basic settings of the SMTP mailer plugin, it is time to use the test email sending feature and make sure that the email is sent without any problems. In this regard, you must click on the second tab, the Test Email tab.
In this section you are faced with the following three empty fields:
To: In this field, you must enter the email address to which you want the test email to be sent.
Subject: You can enter the subject of the email in this field. For example, in the image below the subject of the email, there is a “test message”.
Message: The content that you want to be displayed in your test email must be entered in this section. In the image below, this is a test sample. The content is entered in that section for the sample.
After filling in the fields with the desired information, click the Send Email button.
Note that if Connection: closed is displayed at the end of the output result code, it indicates that the submission was successful.
7. Finally, go to the selected email address and check if the email was sent correctly. If the process of sending emails via SMTP is going well, you should see your email sent here.
Proper management of emails plays a very important role in improving the conditions of various businesses.
For this reason, people are looking for conditions that can best manage the process of sending and receiving email on their website through hosts.
One of the best ways to handle this is to send an email via SMTP. In this article from dade2 knowledge base, we have tried to teach you how to send emails via SMTP with “SMTP mailer” plugin. If you have any questions or any ambiguities about the contents of this tutorial, you can join us through the comments section of this article.