This article has detailed steps to schedule a restart of your Windows VPS Machine 2008/2012/2016. This can be achieved by just adding a task at task scheduler of your Windows Server Machine.
- Login into your Window server remote desktop.
- Open Run prompt, type taskschd.msc, and click ok.

3. Now Go to Action >> Create task.
4. set the name of your task and select the operating system of your windows vps from drop-down.
Please remember to check the following option :
a. Run whether user is logged on or not
b. Run with highest privileges
5. Now Go to Trigger tab and schedule the time of reboot. (by clicking on New…) in this stage, you can define the time you want to schedule a reboot. (weekly, daily, or monthly)

6. Now set the reboot action with adding command C:\Windows\System32\shutdown.exe with add argument /r and click ok. (by clicking on Action Tab)
That’s all. This machine (VPS , VM and other ..) is now set to reboot every weekend.