Alexa rank is the position that Alexa website gives to websites based on its criteria. This ranking is visible in both global and national modes. In this way, the rankings range from several million to one, and the closer a country’s national and global rank is to 1, the higher and better its position. In this article, we will fully discuss the Alexa rank and examine it. Stay with us.
Introducing Alexa site
Alexa is a subsidiary of Amazon. This site offers several services, two branches of SEO and analysis for webmasters , most of which are expensive. But one of Alexa’s free services is to display site rankings, which can be viewed by the public. This general and comprehensive feature has made the Alexa ranking a benchmark for determining the ranking of sites.
Check Alexa rank
There are two ways to check Alexa rankings:
- Check Alexa rank on its site
- Go to the Alexa Site Info link , enter the site address and click Find.
- Check Alexa rank with Alexa toolbar
Alexa Toolbar for Chrome and Firefox
To install Alexa Toolbar , just go to Alexa Toolbar with Chrome or Firefox browser and install it.
Alexa Rank Calculation Criteria
First of all, we should mention that Alexa rank is not completely valid and accurate! Because Alexa rankings can be easily improved. On the other hand, it should be noted that the closer we get to rank 1, the less likely we are to change and the more reliable the rankings are. The question may be, what are the criteria for calculating rankings in Alexa?
- The number of IPs visiting a site on a national and global scale
- How many site visitors use Alexa Toolbar
- Site registration in Alexa panel in order to accurately calculate site visits
Alexa Ranking and Qualitative Assessment Criteria
It may have occurred to us that if it is possible to change and bypass Alexa rankings, then why has this site been able to be considered as one of the most important sites for ranking sites in places? In response, it should be said that only the numerical rank can be manipulated, and in other ways, the accuracy of this issue can be examined. Of course, we note again that the closer the rank is to 1, the harder it is to manipulate.
But before we get into the details, let’s take a look at some of the implications of evaluation:
- Global Rank: Global ranking of the site
- Rank in country: National ranking of the site
- Bounce Rate: Escape rate (criterion for visitors’ dissatisfaction with the site)
- Daily Page views per Visitor: Estimates each visitor’s unique daily visit
- Daily Time on Site: Estimated daily time for each visitor (minutes: seconds)
- Top Keywords from Search Engines: Percentage of word-of-mouth input from search engines
One of the best solutions is to check the site’s Bounce Rate. This factor, because it is directly the result of user satisfaction or dissatisfaction, can be an effective factor in determining and recognizing the accuracy of the ranking.
What is Bounce Rate? Regardless of this, the bounce rate is generally called the escape rate. In this way, if the amount of Bans Rate of a site is 40% on average, it means that 40% of visitors do not find this site useful. Of course, the theory is that 40% of users leave the site without going to other pages. This is the case with popular sites with a lower percentage of quality.
Also, the unique daily visit of each visitor and the estimated daily time for each visitor can be an influential factor in this issue. As a rule, the higher the values compared to competing sites, the more likely visitors are to stay on their site.
Alexa rank improvement
Here are some suggestions on how to look or get an appointment for Alexa :
- Site registration in Alexa (it is not possible to register the ir domain)
- Encourage users to use Alexa Toolbar
- Use Alexa cost solutions and services
- Trying to increase site traffic through basic solutions such as SEO and advertising
- Analyze users and try to improve the site according to users’ wishes
- Generate content and attract more visitors
- Provide a variety of free services to attract users
- Maintaining and continuously developing the freshness, dynamism and attractiveness of the site
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